The Rule of Three: Useful Tool or Convenient Concept?

Before Google Reviews you had Glenn the handyman next door, your local classifieds, and the yellow pages. Have a roof leak and need it repaired? Call at least three professionals, get three quotes, pick the one in the middle for price.
Why? Well, the lowest price must be someone to be wary of, the highest price is simply over charging you for their services, so that leaves the middle quote. That professional must do good work, but without the inflated costs!
Now, you have access to hundreds of professionals, each one has the potential to suit your needs.
Where to find Quotes
Well, Glenn knows a guy named John who has a cousin named Tim, and his brother is a roofer. He gives you a very low price. But what if Glenn's buddy's cousin's brother is a hack?
Well, there's an ad you see every week in the Sunday paper for a roofing contractor so let's give them a call. They give you a price you reason that you cannot afford. Surely the classifieds aren't free to advertise in, so who is really paying for all that advertising; me or them?
Well, let's open up the R sections of the yellow pages- ah yes roofers here we go! Hmm, okay this one looks good, let's call them to be safe. They give you a price that is about what you were expecting so you accept their price and they complete your repair!
Pros and Cons: Who Should You Choose?
Glenn's Referral shows up on time, he is gruff and burly. You ask questions and he answers them. He climbs up on your roof and comes back down 30 minutes later. He tells you your chimney needs a cricket, you have no idea what that means but it sounds like he does so you just nod and agree. He leaves with a quote and wow it's pretty low! But is it too low?
In comes the newspaper ad contractor, he's early and well mannered. He asks to come inside and take a look at the leaking damage from inside first. He then goes up on the roof and comes down 40 minutes later. He tells you your chimney needs a cricket. He explains what that is, how it's constructed and what it does. He also says that the chimney flashing needs to be replaced. You're thankful for the information and the interaction. He leaves you a quote. Holy smokes, that seems expensive!
The next morning you're set to meet the company from the phone book. He arrives on time and he's well mannered. He goes up on your roof, comes back down 15 minutes later and says that you need new chimney flashing. You inquire about the cricket and he tells you that he doesn't think it is necessary and that new flashing will stop the leak. He leaves you with a quote, it's a higher than quote #1 and significantly lower than quote #2.
Who is right for you?
The Value in Homework
Before selecting a contractor MHS suggests doing your own research! Why might two contractors recommend a cricket whilst the other omits it? Doing your own fact finding might shed some light on this matter for you.
One positive thing the internet has given us is a wide range of consumer supported reviews! Does that more expensive contractor have the recommendations to match? Unlike referrals, online reviews offer a wider lens into the thoughts and opinions of multiple individuals who've interacted with a business before.
In contrast, personal referrals give you an added layer of security because you presumably trust the source of the referral. Oftentimes, you've also seen the contractor's work firsthand. In either case a contractor who is well reviewed or referred is more likely to put your interests first to uphold their reputation!
Final Remarks: Which is best for YOU
At the end of the day, something is only ever worth what you are willing to pay for it! This is true for your money, your time, your comfort, and your peace of mind. Too often, as homeowners we reason that there must be some rules or guidelines when selecting the right person to complete work in our homes. MHS highly recommends doing your own research, getting multiple opinions, and looking past the price. By focusing on the value of a prospective contractor, you can more easily determine who is best to complete your home project YOUR way.